In the Mississippi River Hills of Southeastern Missouri

The Mississippi River Hills Association (MRHA) seeks to develop, connect, and market products that are produced within the region.
Together we seek to strengthen our regional economy while retaining all that is good, for the benefit of future generations.
We also encourage visitors to tour the region, people interested in learning more about rural America - the unique history of the region,
the cultural flavors, the river and the great outdoors, and how great fresh foods can taste.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gobble! Gobble!

Whether you eat turkey, ham, fish, tofu, or a wonderful array of all harvest goodies available, Thanks Giving is that time of year we just have to celebrate. If we are close to family the gathering begins. If we are a long, long distance from family, the gathering may be with others. All in all, it is generally a time of laughter, afternoon naps, and feeling afterwards like the before-the-meal, stuffed turkey!

Speaking of turkeys . . . from now until Christmas, I will be getting requests for fresh, hormone free, range turkeys. The only MRHA member I have listed for turkey is Jones Heritage Farms in Cape Girardeau. If any of you have turkeys available, please let me know. If you know of someone in the region with turkeys but not an MRHA member – let me know that, too. There’s no better way to recruit a new member than helping them promote their products.

The MRHA office will be closed Wednesday, November 25. I’ll be back on the clock first thing Monday morning, November 30. Wow! How did that happen! Only one month left until Two Thousand Ten, or is that Twenty Ten? Another entire conversation!

Happy Thanks Giving everyone!