In the Mississippi River Hills of Southeastern Missouri

The Mississippi River Hills Association (MRHA) seeks to develop, connect, and market products that are produced within the region.
Together we seek to strengthen our regional economy while retaining all that is good, for the benefit of future generations.
We also encourage visitors to tour the region, people interested in learning more about rural America - the unique history of the region,
the cultural flavors, the river and the great outdoors, and how great fresh foods can taste.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh, Christmas Tree! Oh, Christmas Tree!

The season is upon us. Christmas and holiday music is on the radio and in all the stores. A busy time of year that can mean wonderful family gatherings or stress-filled occasions. I love this time of year. It’s a little more difficult now that all the kids are grown and scattered around in different cities – even different states. Ste. Genevieve is not our home gathering place. Having transplanted here with my husband’s job 4 ½ years ago, it is only “home” to our youngest daughter, Allana, who is now in college. Springfield, Missouri, is our home gathering place and a central location for all of us.

As I talked with Allana yesterday I told her Dad and I were decorating the Christmas tree. “Oh, how sad,” was her comment. See, decorating the tree has always been our first family event of the season. As our three daughters grew up and made homes of their own, they still made it back to help Mom decorate the tree. My response to Allana? “Dad and I are at a stage where we need to make new holiday traditions or there won’t be Christmas in our house.” So how did I get myself into the Christmas spirit despite being away from family? A walk through a Christmas Tree Farm.

Because we will travel during the season, a real tree will probably not find its way into my living room; however, that did not stop me from enjoying the smell of warm apple cider and fresh cut trees at Meier Horse Shoe Pines. As I rode in the horse drawn wagon I saw smiles on children’s faces that helped me picture my own “Nana” babies. The sounds of families walking through the tress looking for just the right one embraced my heart. I recommend this journey to everyone – real tree or not.

Here in the Mississippi River Hills Association we are blessed with two Christmas Tree Farms, one on each side of the region. Meert Tree Farm is located at 14560 Dry Fork Road, Festus, in Jefferson County ( And in Cape Girardeau County is Meier Horse Shoe Pines, located at 2146 County Road 330, Jackson (

Tells us about some of your holiday traditions. Click on the "comment" button and leave a word or two, or even better - a favorite recipe! What a wonderful way to be thankful for all our blessings!

Lisa J. Palmer, Coordinator, 573-883-0767